©LHPC 2016

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Little Hadham Parish Council

Little Hadham Parish Council was created in 1896.  The parish is to the west of the market town of Bishop’s Stortford and is made up of a number of hamlets − The Ashe, The Ford, Bury Green, Westland Green, Hadham Hall, Cradle End, Green Street and Church End.

Coming soon

Date of next Parish Council meeting
Tuesday 1st October 2024 at 7:30 p.m.
In the Village Hall.


HCC Plans for the old A120 now the bypass has opened

Acremoor Street South Cottages St Cecilia Church Nag's Head Pub

Planned closure of Bypass and Standon and Stortford Roads

Latest review of bypass works including flooding risks in the parish

See here

Parish News

The Parish News is published by the Little Hadham PCC and is supported by the Parish Council.

As well as information about St Celilia’s Church, the Parish News has reports from the Council, reports on parish activities and articles by parish residents. October Issue

Earlier editions

Village Hall

The Village Hall is run by a charitable trust. Find out more.

Walks in Little Hadham

The Council has produced a leaflet describing some walks around the parish.

You can see the leaflet here.

More walks in Hertfordshire

Parish Council Meetings

Little Hadham Parish Council meets the first Tuesday of each month in the Village Hall. There is no meeting in August or January. All residents and press are welcome to attend the meetings. clerklittlhadham@gmail.com

Agendas are posted on noticeboards and the Little Hadham Parish Council website.

Find out more about Council matters

Parish Defibrillator

The Little Hadham Defibrillator is located in a yellow box outside the front entrance of the Village Hall.

Access is gained by ringing Ambulance on 999 who will give you the access code and send an ambulance.  Once you push the on button on the defibrillator it gives you verbal easy to follow step by step instructions on what to do.

You can make a 999 call even if your phone network has no signal.

Road closures

Hertfordshire County Council has given notice of several road closures in Little Hadham and surrounding areas.

A120 closures

Closure Ford Hill

Closure Cradle End

Closure Ash, Ford and Chapel Lane

Numerous closures inc A120

Closure New Road

Closure Bromley Lane

More information on closures for crossing

Closures for creating pedestrian crossings

Little Hadham to Much Hadham road closure N0.2

Little Hadham to Much Hadham road closure

Various local closures

The Ford closure

Albury Road temporary traffic lights

Green Street closure

Church End closure

Chapel Lane closure

Bury Green closure

Closure The Ford & Chapel Lane

The Ford closure

Wellpond Green closure

Metcalf Hill, B1004 closure

Numerous E.Herts closures

Standon Road speed limit changes

Parish Council Audit return for 2023/24

The Audit Return for 2023/24 can be seen here